It is now the middle of November and most of you are starting to prepare for your off season programs as the season comes to a close. After taking a couple weeks off, how are you going to structure your program? Do you even know where your weaknesses are? Most times, someone within the football program will structure a workout for the entire team, but guess what? You have individual needs as a QB! You need to know how to fix your individual flaws so you can perform better on the field as a QB. That’s the whole point of why we go into the weight room to begin with, to improve our skill set to aid in performance on the field. Today, we want to give you 3 exercises that every quarterback can greatly benefit from when creating your first off season program.

1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press with a Plus

This exercise is an excellent pressing variation that requires a lot of stability and coordination throughout the entire body in order to perform. Many times, quarterbacks lack stability within the shoulder girdle that leads to too much shifting around of the scapula when the arm is overhead. Too much scapular movement or a lack of scapular control will ultimately lead to a tendonitis of the biceps or supraspinatus tendons that lie beneath the acromion or a shoulder bursitis. The great thing about this exercise is that it is a regression from using a dumbbell or a kettle bell when performing overhead pressing in relation to the demand of shoulder stability. It’s also a level up from using a machine that only moves in one plane of motion and doesn’t require much shoulder stability at all. This is the perfect in between because the landmine allows a little more stability to work from, but also gives access to multiple planes at once. It can also be loaded to various intensities as the athlete gets stronger.

This exercise is working strength and stability of the entire shoulder girdle. The plus that is added at the top of this exercise is a little loaded bonus as the athlete is engaging the serrates anterior for more upward rotation of the scapula. Most quarterbacks need better activation of this specific muscle! We have provided a video below on how to perform this exercise. One of our favorite physical therapists/strength coaches Eric Cressey does a great job of explaining the details of performing this exercise correctly.

2. Single Arm Row

The single arm row is one of the most butchered exercises out there right now because people will try to load it too much. The best thing about this exercise in my mind is the counterrotation aspect in the trunk that the athlete has to fight when the weight is pulling him/her towards the ground. This takes great trunk stability/control in order to do this. We ALWAYS want the athlete to prioritize trunk position first and then pull under control off of that perfect foundation. If an athlete is using rotation or extension through the trunk to pull the weight forcefully, then this is a flaw and can cause injury.

This exercise is great for trunk stability and is also great to increase strength through all the shoulder extensors and scapular retractors. So much bang for your buck with this one. A couple things to keep in mind is to allow the arm to straighten when the weight comes back down, as well as not allowing the trunk to move at all when performing. We have provided a video below on how to perform with success!

3. Rotational Dead Bugs

When most people think about working on the “abdominals” they want to perform crunch based exercises to strengthen the “6 pack.” This is fine and dandy if that’s the goal, but what if you want to develop the ability to throw the ball with more power and accuracy? Well, we have one for y’all that will help with those abilities specifically. We call this the “rotational dead bug.”

One thing that we know is that quarterbacks need the ability to dissociate the hips from the trunk during the loading phase of throwing to allow the body to sequence/unwind properly, but also to create a lot of rotational force that will equate to velocity once the body is accelerated forward. A big problem with this is that a lot of times we see “false dissociation” in which the quarterback actually extends the low back instead of rotating truly through the hips and upper spine. This is an extremely important concept and we have a video below explaining why it is.

Once the concept is understood of why this is important, we can now move on to an exercise that is going to train this very specifically. The rotational dead bug is extremely challenging, but can be done by almost every QB out there as long as the amount of rotation is controlled and increased over time as the athlete’s capabilities get better. The ability to rotate the legs one way, while rotating the arms the opposite way, and also maintaining the back flat against the ground is the goal. This is really tough, but this is what truly needs to happen for quarterbacks when they load the ball in order to have success during the acceleration phase. Check this out below!

As y’all start into your off seasons, add this one to the mix! You will see your throwing ability greatly increase as you start to throw again within the next month to 2 months. Let us know how we can help as we are starting to put together off season programs again for guys. If you’re not training for specificity, then you are just guessing! Hope this helps.

-Drew Kiel PT, DPT, CSCS